A Portrait of Jesus Introduction
God is real.
The Christian life is about a relationship with God as known in Jesus Christ.
It can and will change your life.
~ Marcus Borg
The Christian faith is a historical faith which emerged from a historical person: Jesus of Nazareth.
History has always informed the Christian faith: creeds, councils, and developing traditions over the centuries have led to present day belief systems.
study takes a step further back in history to learn more about the historical
Who was this man from Galilee and how did he become “the face of God” as Paul describes him in 2 Corinthians 4:6?
Marcus Borg, scholar, Christian, and author of Jesus: A New Vision and Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time, uses the terms “pre-Easter Jesus” to talk about the Jesus of history and “post-Easter Jesus” to talk about the Christ of faith.
You are invited to join in this exploration of Marcus Borg’s portrait of Jesus and what it can mean for Christian life and faith.
Notes about this web site
This web site can be navigated in two ways:
- Sequentially: by using the “next” links at the bottom of each page, or
- Randomly: by using the links in the left column in the order you choose.
You may choose to explore the scholarship perspective and nature of the gospels before launching into the portrait pages or you may want to see the portrait and then go back and understand the foundation out of which it grows.
Most of the pages in this web site include questions for you to ponder as you consider how this perspective might be integrated into your life.
Learn more about the scholar whose work is the basis for this web site.